Support MB Relationships User to User n:n relationship based on User role Reply To: User to User n:n relationship based on User role

Anh TranAnh Tran

Hi Aristo,

You need to put the user role inside query_args, like this:

add_action( 'mb_relationships_init', function () {
    MB_Relationships_API::register( array(
        'id'   => 'stud_to_teach',
        'from' => array(
            'object_type' => 'user',
            'query_args' => array( 'role__in' => 'student' ),
            'meta_box'    => array(
                'title'       => 'Manages',
                'field_title' => 'Select Users',
        'to' => array(
            'object_type' => 'user',
            'query_args' => array( 'role__in' => 'teacher' ),
            'meta_box'    => array(
                'title'       => 'Manages users',
                'field_title' => 'Select Users',
    ) );
} );