I debugged the issue (on a fresh WP install, default theme, only MB installed) and narrowed it down to a single Meta Box custom field. I have a custom field that has an id of 'post_type' and that seems to cause the error. When I change the field id to any other name, then the post saves fine. Seems like a possible bug. You can try to replicate it on your end.
Here is the code for the custom field:
'name' => __('Post Type', 'api-manager'),
'id' => $prefix . 'post_type',
'type' => 'select_advanced',
'desc' => __('Select the post type associated with the custom field you are mapping the data to.', 'api-manager'),
'options' => [
'Populate with the available post types' => __('Populate with the available post types', 'api-manager'),
'placeholder' => __('Select a post type.', 'api-manager'),
'tooltip' => [
'icon' => '',
'position' => 'top',
'content' => 'Post types in WordPress distinguish between various kinds of posts. To correctly associate the custom field, select the post type it corresponds to.',
'visible' => [
'when' => [['object_type', '=', 'post']],
'relation' => 'or',
'tab' => 'data_storage_tab',