Hi there,
I wonder if this is possible:
I have a selectbox on a settings page that lets the user select a certain API network.
When the user has selected a API to work with, I want to show a button that allows them to import data into the site. However, I don't want to use a condition-logic 'visible' parameter, but add the button at runtime.
I need it at runtime, because after the option is saved, it has to prepare some other stuff first.
I know how to add fields to the array using wp-filter-hooks.
I need a button to appear RIGHT AFTER saving the options. The problem that I'm facing however is that the options are saved only after the rwmb_meta_boxes filter has ran.
The button is thereby only shown after a reload of settings page.
Even more confusing is when you turn off using any of the API's again. After clearing the API-setting, the button is still shown, solved after a reload.
I wonder if there is a solution to this?