while I was editing a custom field, the site crashed with fatal error on both front and back office.
I am not sure what caused this crash. I try to remember what I've done before (or intended to...)
I remember it was custom field.
- I think I was editing a tab or moving a field under a tab. Maybe it was the tab ID which was the same ID as another field, but I think I changed it.
- If not I wanted next to change a callback function of a select field. Maybe that's the last thing I did.
Anyway, I had to deactivate Metabox AIO plugin through my cpanel to have my website back, but when I re-activate Metabox AIO, it crashs again and again.
How can I recover my website with CF and CPT ?
I have full access to WP/FTP/phpmyadmin if you need to have a look.
The dev version of the website is https://www.pelerinages.pjuh5462.odns.fr/
Thank you,