I have a CPT, where I have added a Taxonomy Advanced field with the id "art_author". The field is connected to the taxonomy "author".
For this taxonomy I have added a custom Image Advanced field with the id "tax_image". So for each term I can add an author image.
In the template for the CPT (actually a Bricks Builder template) I can easily get the author name using:
$terms = rwmb_meta( 'art_author' );
But how do I get the author image(s) in the CPT template? When I test with your suggested code:
// Displaying uploaded images:
$images = rwmb_meta( 'tax_image', [ 'object_type' => 'term', 'size' => 'thumbnail' ], get_queried_object_id() );
<h3>Uploaded images</h3>
<?php foreach ( $images as $image ) : ?>
<li><img src="<?= $image['url']; ?>"></li>
<?php endforeach ?>
I just get the error message:
Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, string given ...
What do I miss?