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Unfortunately the custom field variables in rankmath work only for textfields (text, textarea, wysiwyg). That's why I'm not able to create the seo-snippet content dynamicly from my other fields, like taxonomy etc.
So I'm looking for a solution to create a new text field, which fetches the values from other custom fields. Is there any possibility for this? (note: the custom html field does not work either in rankmath)
Thanks in Advance for your help
It is possible. You can use Meta Box's action hooks like rwmb_{$meta_box_id}_after_save_post
to update a field value from another custom field after saving the post.
Please get more details on the documentation
great, I'll try. Thanks a lot !
I was basicly succesfull with your help. One thing is not working though:
When using this code on frontend of the post, it is working fine and showing the first name of the artist (fetched from custom taxonomy field):
$terms = get_the_terms( get_queried_object_id(), 'artists' );
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
$term_name = rwmb_meta( 'fg_meta_artist_name', ['object_type' => 'term'], $term->term_id );
$term_name_first = rwmb_meta( 'fg_meta_artist_name_first', ['object_type' => 'term'], $term->term_id );
$value $term_name_first;
echo $value;
When trying to fill an empty custom field (text) with the same value, the field it not filled up:
add_action( 'rwmb_after_save_post', function( $post_id ) {
< code from above (without echo) >
update_post_meta( $post_id, 'fg_taxo_object_artist_names', $value );
} );
Both fields are text fields.
Do you see any reason why this is not working?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Regards, François
Did you add the frontend submission shortcode on the single post? Following the code, I think you are trying to update the field value fg_taxo_object_artist_names
of the submitted post by the term meta of the current post which shows the frontend submission form.
Yes the 1st code is implemented on the single post template (cpt) (php code block in oxygen builder).
The 2nd Code is in a code snippet and should update the field 'fg_taxo_object_artist_names' after saving a post in the editor (no frontend submission).
But the field is not updatet. I guess the field values of the taxonomies are not fetched?
(why is it working on frontend but not on backend?)
Hope I was able to explain more clear.
Yes, it might not work on the backend because the function get_queried_object_id() is used to get the post ID on the frontend. You can follow this topic to get the post ID on the backend.
Thanks for your hint. Unfortunately this to high for me. I can't see where to change to code to get the term id on backend.
This is my code. I don't know if you can provide the correct snippet.
If not, thanks anyway. I understand.
add_action( 'rwmb_after_save_post', function( $post_id ) {
$terms = get_the_terms( get_queried_object_id(), 'artists' );
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
$term_name = rwmb_meta( 'fg_meta_artist_name', ['object_type' => 'term'], $term->term_id );
$term_name_first = rwmb_meta( 'fg_meta_artist_name_first', ['object_type' => 'term'], $term->term_id );
$value = $term_name_first;
update_post_meta( $post_id, 'fg_taxo_object_artist_names', $value );
} );
In the backend, you can try to use the variable $post_id
to pass the post ID to the function get_the_terms()
add_action( 'rwmb_after_save_post', function( $post_id ) {
$terms = get_the_terms( $post_id, 'artists' );
} );
Hi and thank you.
Unfortunately the code is not working. I see I need to leverage my php knowledge urgently to get things like this work.
Hava a nice day.
It would be so nice, if I could use my metabox metafields as variables in Rankmath Snippet Editor WITHOUT any programming, just using the variable like %mb_page_metadata_kurzbeschreibung_auszug%
Any idea, when this would be possible?
I think a LOT of users would be happy about that.