Since the walk function was removed, the class described in thread:
no longer works. Here is the updated class for a new selectomatic field type that adds optgroup functionality:
if ( class_exists( 'RWMB_Field' ) ) {
class RWMB_Selectomatic_Field extends RWMB_Select_Field {
public static function html( $meta, $field ) {
$options = self::transform_options( $field['options'] );
$attributes = self::call( 'get_attributes', $field, $meta );
$attributes['data-selected'] = $meta;
$walker = new RWMB_Walker_Selectomatic( $field, $meta );
$output = sprintf(
'<select %s>',
self::render_attributes( $attributes )
if ( ! $field['multiple'] && $field['placeholder'] ) {
$output .= '<option value="">' . esc_html( $field['placeholder'] ) . '</option>';
$output .= $walker->walk( $options, $field['flatten'] ? -1 : 0 );
$output .= '</select>';
$output .= self::get_select_all_html( $field );
return $output;
class RWMB_Walker_Selectomatic extends RWMB_Walker_Select {
public function start_el( &$output, $object, $depth = 0, $args = array(), $current_object_id = 0 ) {
$meta = $this->meta;
$output .= sprintf(
'<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>',
esc_attr( $object->value ),
selected( in_array( $object->value, $meta ), true, false ),
esc_html( RWMB_Field::filter( 'choice_label', $object->label, $this->field, $object )
$output .= sprintf(
'<optgroup label="%s">',
esc_html( RWMB_Field::filter( 'choice_label', $object->label, $this->field, $object )
public function rwmb_end_html_el( &$output, $object, $depth = 0, $args = array(), $current_object_id = 0 ) {
$output .= '</optgroup>';