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Support › MB Elementor Integrator › Custom fields not available
I've created a CPT and a taxonomy attached to it.
I've also created a meta box with custom fields for this taxonomy.
I'd like to design the archive for the taxonomy using the custom fields with Elementor.
The problem is when I select the meta box field in the dynamic box, the fields are not there.
Any idea?
I've set the preview in Elementor to the right taxonomy adn the conditions too.
Thank you.
The support for term meta is not available in the version yet. We have finished the coding on Github, but we need a couple of days to test it. In the meantime, please download the latest version here and try:
I can't test it:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mb_elementor_integrator_register_tags() (previously declared in /home/fightclub/public_html/testing/wp-content/plugins/mb-elementor-integrator/mb-elementor-integrator.php:25) in /home/fightclub/public_html/testing/wp-content/plugins/mb-elementor-integrator-term_setting_page/mb-elementor-integrator.php on line 25
When you extract the downloaded zip
file, please change the folder name to mb-elementor-integrator
. Then upload it to your site, overwrite the existing plugins (or you can delete the old plugin first, then install this one).
The new version of the plugin is now activated but there is still a problem. Now I can see the fields in the dropdown menu and select them but when I add them, they are not displaying on the template.
Can you give me an update please?
I have an important project relying on this.
I originally bought the licence of Meta Box thinking it would solve the problem.
You can imagine I'm a little disappointed.
Sorry for the frustration. I'll check that next Monday and will fix the bugs if there's any.
I look forward to get some news from you. Thank you.
Hi, I've just updated the plugin on .org. Please update and check it!
Great, it's working now. Thank you.
I was wondering, is there a visual way to create posts and terms relationships?
I'm not too comfortable with coding.
Hi, it's not possible at the moment. We have this request in the list and will try to work on that as soon as we can.
Hi Anh
I've got a similar problem with Meta Box AIO 1.7.2 for a single custom post type template i'm trying to create with Elementor Pro 2.4.5.
I created a custom post type with its associated custom fields and custom taxonomies using Meta Box.
The select dropdown displayed after selecting Meta Box Field for the Dynamic and terms options in elementor shows the list of admin fields declared to register the post type, or an empty list, rather than the list of custom fields associated with it (which really sucks ;- )
Screenshots can be found here :
Furthermore, eventhough my cpt supports the editor (classic editor), I don't get access to the post content in the list of post dynamic fields (but the post content elementor widget does work :- )
My stack currently includes : Elementor Pro 2.4.5, Elementor Extras 2.0.10, Generatepress Premium 1.7.8... I tried deactivating Elementor Extras and GP premium : no luck :- (
Could you come up with a fix ?
I'm afraid i'll have to ask for a refund if this issue can't be resolved quite urgently since its the whole point of my buying a Meta Box developer license for a client project.
Hi Annabelle,
The Meta Box AIO hasn't been updated yet, since we are synchronizing code from other extensions. Please try using the Meta Box - Elementor Integrator in the meantime. I'll update the AIO on Monday.
Regarding the problem, are you creating the MB Custom Post Type extension/module? I suppose this is a bug in the extension. I'll check and fix it soon.
Hi Anh,
Thx for your answer.
I did as you suggested : deactivated MB AIO, uploaded and activated standalone plugins instead.
No more luck : same thing as before, I get a list of the admin fields for the CPT in Elementor.
Yes, the data I'm trying to retrieve is associated with a CPT created with MB.
I guess the CPT plugins might need a bit of debugging.
Thx for your help.
Hi Anh,
I updated the Meta Box Elementor plugin, still… no luck. In Elementor's dynamic field for Meta Box I still get the list of admin fields for the cpt instead of meta box custom fields. I tried updating Elementor to the latest version (2.5.2), same result.
Hope you'll find a fix.