Hi there,
Yep, me again with another question...lol - OK so I want to use this extension to create a custom post type called Page Header.
Now I have it installed and I created the custom post type but there is one thing I wan to do:
I want to add custom fields to the post type, things like image advanced field, color field
select fields...etc, similar to this image:

and a few others. However I want these fields to only be available when someone is creating a new page header custom post type.
Now once the custom post type has been created, I would like that post type to be available via a dropdown list in the post/page editor metaboxes I have already in place. So the end user would go to a post or a page and be allowed to select the page header they created to use in the post or the page this:

Can this be done and if so how?
Any help is greatly appreciated and thank you in advance