One website that I have MetaBox on appears to be corrupted. I have created an isolated environment with a clean install of Oxygen + MetaBox AIO and everything works fine. However, when I clone the problem site to a staging environment and disable all plugins except Oxygen + MetaBox AIO the problem is still not resolved.
- When I create a Repeater field in Oxygen and select custom from the query field, no metabox options or CPTs appear in the dropdown.
- No Errors in my error log
- No debug output from WP DEBUG
- I have tried deleting and re-adding MetaBox, deleting and re-adding the CPT. still not resolved.
- Another note is that when I first installed MetaBox I was noticing my Custom fields not appearing in the drop-down for any element in the oxygen builder, I would always have to manually put them in.
How to reproduce the problem on my staging environment
1. Create a page, post, or template and select "Edit With Oxygen"
2. Add the "Repeater" element
3. In the repeater select "Query"
4. Select "Custom"
5. Select "Post Type"
6. Under the "Post Type" dropdown, note how no MetaBox options or custom post types appear.
7. You can create as many custom post types as you want, none of them will appear.
I will send a contact form with my website info and a link to this ticket. Hoping to get this resolved ASAP as this is affecting the live website.