I'm not sure if this is intentional, but I have a text field with the ID "post_title" (for frontend submissions). If I set a default value (std), it does not appear in the text box. If I change the field ID to something else, the default value is displayed. Same thing happens with a textarea that has an ID of "post_content".
What I'm trying to do is allow someone to "claim" a listing by prefilling a frontend form using values from the "claimed" listing as default values. I have to do this because I want the original listing to stay as it is until the "claimed" listing is approved by our staff, at which point the original will be removed and the new listing will published. If the new listing is not approved, the original will remain and will still be unclaimed.
I could just make a duplicate post and have the user edit that, but if the user decides not to complete the process, that would cause some issues. I'm trying to avoid issues with people trying to claim listings that don't really belong to them.
Any ideas of how to get this to work? Thanks