Hi, Anh
Thanks for helping me in Defining custom validation methods topic. I have one more question, I want to put the error message after group of inputs and I tried to do that with following code
jQuery.validator.addMethod('checkinputsportrow', function(element, value, param ){
filledinputs = jQuery('.grpsports input:text:filled').size();
allinputs = jQuery('.grpsports input:text').size();
if ( filledinputs == allinputs && filledinputs <= 0 ){
return false;
} else if ( filledinputs != allinputs && filledinputs != 0 ) {
return false;
return true;
}, "Please Fill Complete information for Achievements in Sports" );
I have defined the fields under the group field having class grpsports
Above validation is working but error placement (below ) does not, also works for clone fields but does not clear errors when it is correct and new set of cloned fields are there (workaround ?)
errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
if (element.closest('.grpsports'))
error.insertAfter(".grpsports input:text:last");
the above method needs a specific form id where as in backend its "post" and in front end its "rwmb-form" how can I make it generic
also I am in confusion that how to define a group in validation plugin
can you please help me
Thanks in advance