I've just started using Metabox.io and I've been trying to output the values from the Checkbox List custom field using the rwmb_the_value helper function.The only argument I'm passing is the field ID. I'm using Oxygen Builder and the values display perfectly well as list items in the builder however when viewed on the front end the list is rendered twice resulting in two identical lists. This may well be an Oxygen issues but has anyone else found this or is there something else I should be doing?
I'm using the rwmb_the_value helper function via the Oxygen dynamic data input field, not a shortcode. The attached images show the function input field and the list rendered in the builder and the duplicated list on the front end.
That worked for the front end display and the list appears only once however, the list no longer displays in the Oxygen builder, did that happen with you also?
I also experience that. For the simple field, you can use the option Custom field/Meta Options to get the field value immediately in the Builder. Screenshot https://share.getcloudapp.com/xQuY6jQ2.