Support Forum
I have a cpt called 'testimonials' with 2 hierarchical taxonomies - 'year' and 'feedback'
Only one of these taxonomies is displaying correctly on the post edit screen. I can select a year in the edit screen ok. However, the 'feedback' metabox is showing but it is empty other than the "add new feedback" link and if I try to add new 'feedback' I get an error: "No route was found matching the URL and request method." and in the console there is a 404 json error. This error is not present on other pages and cpts on the site.
Existing 'year' choices are shown in the edit screen but existing 'feedback' are not.
The quick edit screen does allow for adding and editing the 'feedback'.
I have 2024 theme latest versions of wp & metabox - metabox base & metabox aio are the only active plugins.
Not sure what to do to correct this.
Hello Chris,
Can you please share some screenshots of the feedback
taxonomy settings? Or export it to a JSON file and share it here, following the documentation
Here's the json
"post_title": "Feedback",
"settings": {
"label": "Feedbacks",
"singular_label": "Feedback",
"description": "",
"public": true,
"publicly_queryable": true,
"hierarchical": true,
"show_ui": true,
"show_in_menu": true,
"show_in_nav_menus": true,
"query_var": true,
"query_var_slug": "",
"rewrite": {
"slug": "",
"with_front": "1"
"rewrite_hierarchical": "0",
"show_admin_column": true,
"show_in_rest": true,
"show_tagcloud": false,
"sort": false,
"show_in_quick_edit": true,
"rest_base": "",
"rest_controller_class": "",
"rest_namespace": "",
"labels": {
"menu_name": "Feedbacks",
"all_items": "All Feedbacks",
"edit_item": "Edit Feedback",
"view_item": "View Feedback",
"update_item": "Update Feedback",
"add_new_item": "Add new Feedback",
"new_item_name": "New Feedback name",
"parent_item": "Parent Feedback",
"parent_item_colon": "Parent Feedback",
"search_items": "Search Feedbacks",
"popular_items": "Popular Feedbacks",
"separate_items_with_commas": "Separate Feedbacks with commas",
"add_or_remove_items": "Add or remove Feedbacks",
"choose_from_most_used": "Choose from the most used Feedbacks",
"not_found": "Not Feedbacks found",
"no_terms": "No Feedbacks",
"items_list_navigation": "Feedbacks list navigation",
"items_list": "Feedbacks list",
"back_to_items": "Back to Feedbacks",
"name_field_description": "",
"parent_field_description": "",
"slug_field_description": "",
"desc_field_description": "",
"singular_name": "Feedback",
"name": "Feedbacks",
"filter_by_item": "Filter by Feedback"
"meta_box_cb": true,
"default_term": "",
"slug": "feedback",
"types": [
"post_date": "2023-06-06 12:57:50",
"post_status": "publish",
"post_type": "mb-taxonomy"
Importing the taxonomy feedback to my demo site, I can add new feedback and select terms when editing a post as well, screenshot
Please share your site credentials via this contact form
I will take a look.