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Support › Meta Box AIO › Fatal error - Metabox last releaseResolved
I got this error after auto update metabox AIO :
AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'MetaBox\Columns\Processor' in meta-box-aio/vendor/meta-box/meta-box-columns/meta-box-columns.php:30
Latest version of Meta Box AIO plugin is the culprit:
Until the issue is fixed, revert to an earlier version of the plugin if you can.
I got even a white screen of death after the update! So I had to go to DB to fix and deactivate MB...
Hi guys,
Please update the new version of Meta Box AIO 1.13.13 to fix this issue.
Let me know how it goes.
Seems to be OK now, thanks. What was the background?
The problem was the file name case-sensitive, which breaks the Composer's PSR-4 autoload
src/processor.php => src/Processor.php