Could you please assist.
Please see the site below, paying attention to the Services and Industries:
See Website` and Custom Plugin
On the backend the functionality was created using Elementor Pro, Advanced Custom Fields, Custom Post Type UI, Ele Custom Skin to create the various page layouts, archive layouts and loops.
Dynamic.ooo, Search and Filter Pro, WPML and Metabox were also used to achieved the results of the of serving up of listings of projects(ACF/CPTUI) in services of industries (taxonomies) according to each region. SF Pro and Elecustom Skin are used for the filters and looping of the list.
The website has slowed down significantly and CPU usage has increased, too many queries.
Could you please advise of a possible solution for this set up possibly using Metabox to achieve this functionality in the most optimized way?
Please let me know if anything is unclear