Beaver Themer recommendation for ACF is that you can insert an image shortcode into an img src html statement. Here's what they say to do:
<img src="[acf-field-shortcode-goes-here]"/>
Trying to do that with a MB for example:
<img src="[wpbb post:meta_box field='hover-image-' image_size='medium']"/>
results in "Array" instead of the image url.
- Can MB images be inserted into html fields?
- This is actually trying to debug a problem with using a MB custom field image in a Beaver Builder post grid. The standard code for the posts module is:
[wpbb-if post:featured_image]
<div class="fl-post-image">
[wpbb post:featured_image size='medium' display='tag' align='default' linked='yes']
but I want to swap out the featured image with a MB custom field image instead, e.g.
[wpbb post:meta_box field='hover-image-' image_size='medium']
so the resulting code would be:
[wpbb-if post:featured_image]
<div class="fl-post-image">
[wpbb post:featured_image size='medium' display='tag' align='default' linked='yes']</div>
but that doesn't work. Instead of an image I see the word Array instead. So essentially the same issue as #1 above. How do I upload or choose an image file from the Media Library to a Post MB field and then display that image in straight html or the Custom Post Layout in a BB Module?