I've created a metabox field with the type 'key_value'. when viewing my metabox field it displays an notice: Notice: Array to string conversion in /Users/User/Desktop/Development/project-kwintes-portal/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/meta-box/inc/fields/key-value.php on line 101. This only happens while creating a new page.
Here is an example of my code:
'id' => "{$keyName}_scroll_tabs",
'name' => __('Vul de titel in en het ID in van het element waar naartoe gescrollt dient te worden.', 'fusion'),
'type' => 'key_value',
'placeholder' => ['key' => 'Titel', 'value' => 'Anchor ID'],
'multiple' => true,
'clone' => true,
'add_button' => __('Set toevoegen', 'fusion')
When I create the page en publish it the Notice is gone.