I am trying to output settings fields in Views using the GUI and there is no output on the front end.
The "Insert Field" button adds such markup for a single image field:
{% set group = attribute( site, 'site-options' ) %}
<img src="{{ group.default_page_hero_1.full.url }}" width="{{ group.default_page_hero_1.full.width }}" height="{{ group.default_page_hero_1.full.height }}" alt="{{ group.default_page_hero_1.full.alt }}" />
But it doesn't work. It doesn't work even for simple text fields.
For text fields, I adapted a php function that a user posted:
{{ mb.get_option('site-options')['my-field'] }}
But why the GUI method doesn't work and how can I easily output the image tag from a settings page field?