Hey guys!
Just updated to WordPress 5.5 and I got a error on JavaScript console on the ALPHA CHANNEL feature for COLOR PICKER. At first moment I did think it was related to the META BOX suite, however it is a general problem happening on many themes and plugins out there.
So, I would suggest you to address a fix within Meta Box internals, because other people could think same way as me and come here asking for help.
I understand it is a problem inside the COLOR PICKER code, but, anyway, I did fix it using this on my theme functions.php file:
if( is_admin() ){
add_action( 'wp_default_scripts', 'wp_default_custom_scripts' );
function wp_default_custom_scripts( $scripts ){
$scripts->add( 'wp-color-picker', "/wp-admin/js/color-picker.js", array( 'iris' ), false, 1 );
did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize(
'clear' => __( 'Clear' ),
'clearAriaLabel' => __( 'Clear color' ),
'defaultString' => __( 'Default' ),
'defaultAriaLabel' => __( 'Select default color' ),
'pick' => __( 'Select Color' ),
'defaultLabel' => __( 'Color value' ),