let's pretend there's no Oxygen or Bricks,
Please help me with the following,
Question one:
1. I added the MB views shortcode on some pages!
It doesn't work, Except on the page for CPT template,
How I can render the MB views shortcode on any page/post?
Question 2:
2. How I can execute the PHP code on any page?
Ex: I want to show/ execute the code on the front page.
How to do it?
where to put the code?
Using a child theme? Gutenberg?
Question 3:
The following code, What I need to change in case I have this custom field:
Field > Group A, ID: group_service
Inside the Group, Text Field > ID: text_list_ms44n1h3uw
The text field is also "Cloneable - Sortable"
Add to above I want the tags "HTML tags <ul> <li> a"
ul for group, li for each cloneable the text field???
What to change or edit in this code, and where to execute it?
<?php $values = rwmb_meta( 'my_field_id' ) ?>
<?php foreach ( $values as $value ) : ?>
<p><?= $value ?></p>
<?php endforeach ?>