Support Forum
How can I revert an extension back to a previous version if I am seeing an issue with an update? I don't see anywhere in the account to download previous versions of extensions. I am looking for the last version of MB Group.
I would like to +1 this question. I am looking for a way to get to a specific version of the MetaBox AIO extension. A reply (even if it's "no, you can't do this"), would be great. Thanks!
Hi there,
We want the user/customer to use the newest version of any plugin, get new features/options and bug fixing so the older version is not supported.
Thanks for your understanding and patience.
Hi, this is a really strange thing to force on customers and could potentially cost them money as well as valuable time.
While it is the responsibility of the site owner to take backups before updating plugins, there are many, many, many people who do not do this.
Denying us access to previous versions means that if an update breaks the site, and a backup was not made, we have no recourse other than to wait for support to help.
This could take hours, or a day, or sometimes it might take 3 days.
Please allow your customers to download previous versions of an addon (AIO especially). We can roll back the core MB plugin no problem because it's in the repo, so why are we denied access to previous versions of the tools we have paid for?
Hi meta_gecko,
Thank you for using our plugin!
Here is the previous version of Meta Box AIO which includes the previous version of MB Builder (removed)
This link is available for a few days and will be removed.
Hey, thanks for that, although I think you're missing the point.
We should not have to rely on a reply to a forum post if we need to roll back a version of a premium plugin.
As you stated above, the link will be removed after a few days. The point is that as paying customers we should have permanent access to previous versions from within our account area for as long as we have an account with you.
Please reconsider your current standpoint. As customers we also want to have the latest version installed, but only if it works. If there is a problem we should have the option to roll back until the problem is resolved without needing to wait at all.
I completely agree! We need the option to rollback to previous versions. Otherwise, we can't effectively troubleshoot issues. That just makes everyone's lives worse.
Looking for an older version of AIO. The new version is throwing an error and taking down my site completely. Unfortunately I do not have access to the server's CPanel and cannot upgrade the PHP version to the minimum spec
1.21.0 broke my site, where can we download the previous version??
Hi Frode,
We've fixed this issue with the v1.21. Please re-download the plugin and try again.
Hi there,
I came across one issue after updating the meta box aio with the latest version.
I am unable to access my custom model link listed under my custom menu setting page.
I have created the demo Pastebin for your reference.
password: yVtGK4TuAV
Once accessed, you can no longer view this paste, it will be permanently removed.
If you need access to this information again please copy the data to a secure location for your testing.
Here is the error screenshot when I click on my custom menu setting page.
Can you please look into it as soon as possible?
The above pasterbin not working. Here is the new link:
Definitely need to have the ability to downgrade versions, wasting a lot of time on a supposed defect at the moment and unable to test with an older version. We need the ability to download older versions please!
Previous version of plugins is critical, especially when problems are caused by latest updates and no way to do anything about them. PLEASE offer way to get older versions ASAP @Long
Yes previous version of plugins is critical at least last 2 to 3 versions. If the latest updated one throws an error we must have the option to roll back.