I have a View named "Topic title and byline".
<h1>{{ post.topic_title }}</h1>
{% set relationship = attribute( relationships, 'topic-to-team' ) %}
{% for post in relationship.to %}
<h2>by {{ post.team_member_name }}</h2>
{% endfor %}
This works fine, but I need to handle the output differently based on the number of items in post.team_member_name. I have a Topic that usually has 1 Speaker (Team Member - post.team_member_name), but there may be as many as 3 Speakers in a few cases. In that case, the output reads:
"by post.team_member_name One
by post.team_member_name Two
by post.team_member_name Three"
when I need it to be:
"by post.team_member_name One, post.team_member_name Two, and post.team_member_name Three"
is there a way to count the number of items in "relationship" and then do one thing if that returns 1 and another if that returns > 1.
Here's some pseudo code that should give you an idea of what I want to do. I've tried doing this in Twig in the View, but it always results in a fatal error.
set myVariable to count the number of items in relationship
if myVariable = 1
output by post.team_member_name
output "by post.team_member_name One, post.team_member_name Two, and post.team_member_name Three"
end if
How would this be written in my view?