In your MB User Profile documentation, here this is written:
To let users change their password, please use the field group ID rwmb-user-info in the shortcode below:
[mb_user_profile_info id="rwmb-user-info"]
And this indeed works: I make a page mbchangepassword, and enter the metabox Edit Profile in there, just like seen in your youtube video here
However, how can I change the appearance of this form? More specifically, I don't want the heading 'info' to show, and I also don't want the labels to show. Instead I want the password and password2 field to show placeholder texts.
I have done so with the registration and login form, more specifically by using the filters mentioned in your documentation. However, I don't see a filter to customize this specific change password form information. It does not seem to have a special filter to edit it like the default fields of those other forms have (as seen here in your documentation)
I also don't know where to find more information about rwmb-user-info. Is this a pre-made custom fields group? How do I edit it? Or better, how do I make a change password custom fields group from scratch so I have full control over it?