Hi, I have two custom post types, hotels and cities, and I want every hotel to display custom fields for the city hotel is located in. The problem is fields are always displayed as list items, with bullets.
I tried in two ways. First, without setting up a relationship, just adding a city field inside Hotel CPT, and pointing that field to cities cpt. Cities data is displayed using Elementor widgets even though there is no relationship.
Then I added a relationship between them, and then the relationship appears in edit column of the post (like here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBqIRrdzGDc) and I can choose the city there as well.
In both cases in the post edit screen I got either a checkbox or a select field to choose the city. But in both cases output is a list item. How can I do this so the output is not a list tiem?
p.s. I know how to remove the bullet via CSS, but that is still a list item.