Hello, I am using Meta Box with Beaver Builder and MB Beaver Builder Integration. The individual custom fields seem to work okay. However, I have a number of custom fields that are a group. For example, the Author group has custom fields like author_name, author_email, etc. But only the group is available to be selected under the Field Name. It inserts the following shortcode:
[wpbb post:meta_box field='authors'], which shows up as an array: https://dev-jhu-gender-equity-unit.pantheonsite.io/resource/thailand-gender-and-health-equality-assessment/ I want to be able to add each field as separate lines, i.e.
Author Organization
Author City, Author State, Author Country
I prefer to use groups as it looks better on the front end of the site using the MB Frontend Submission.
Any idea what I need to change? What shortcode will make this work? Is there a repository page of shortcodes to integrate Meta Box custom fields with Beaver Builder?