I have a CPT where users can upload files. The files are important, not the posts.
And I have a user account page and link to the page for posting new entries (custom posts with files).
And everything works, except I can't display the list of uploaded files in the user account.
So to make it clear: I don't want to display the list of custom posts in the user dashboard, I want to display them the list of all files they have uploaded.
When I am using the dashboard shortcode I can see all the posts that user created. But for those posts I only created a custom field for file upload, no title, no content, so in the result I get a list of (no-title) entries. And when I click the link I get 404. But when I click edit button I can edit the uploaded file (form the user account).
The ideal situation would be if I could get that list of attachments without the need of going into the posts.
Can you help me get it right, please?