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Support › MB Elementor Integrator › Image advanced not working since last update Elementor Pro
I have added a field image advanced and added some photo's.
In Elementor I choose the image carrousel and dynamicly choose these photo's.
Since updating Elementor Pro to version 3.22.0 I get a critical error:
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in /home/juul/domains/ on line 875
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string + int in /home/juul/domains/ Stack trace: #0 /home/juul/domains/ Elementor\Widget_Image_Carousel->render() #1 /home/juul/domains/ Elementor\Controls_Stack->render_by_mode() #2 /home/juul/domains/ Elementor\Widget_Base->render_content() #3 /home/juul/domains/ Elementor\Widget_Base->print_content() #4 /home/juul/domains/ Elementor\Element_Base->print_element() #5 /home/juul/domains/ Elementor\Element_Base->print_content() #6 /home/juul/domains/ Elementor\Element_Base->print_element() #7 /home/juul/domains/ Elementor\Element_Base->print_content() #8 /home/juul/domains/ Elementor\Element_Base->print_element() #9 /home/juul/domains/ Elementor\Core\Base\Document->do_print_elements() #10 /home/juul/domains/ Elementor\Core\Base\Document->print_elements() #11 /home/juul/domains/ Elementor\Core\Base\Document->print_elements_with_wrapper() #12 /home/juul/domains/ Elementor\Frontend->get_builder_content() #13 /home/juul/domains/ Elementor\Frontend->apply_builder_in_content() #14 /home/juul/domains/ WP_Hook->apply_filters() #15 /home/juul/domains/ apply_filters() #16 /home/juul/domains/ the_content() #17 /home/juul/domains/ require('...') #18 /home/juul/domains/ load_template() #19 /home/juul/domains/ locate_template() #20 /home/juul/domains/ get_template_part() #21 /home/juul/domains/ require('...') #22 /home/juul/domains/ load_template() #23 /home/juul/domains/ locate_template() #24 /home/juul/domains/ get_template_part() #25 /home/juul/domains/ Kadence\single_content() #26 /home/juul/domains/ WP_Hook->apply_filters() #27 /home/juul/domains/ WP_Hook->do_action() #28 /home/juul/domains/ do_action() #29 /home/juul/domains/ require('...') #30 /home/juul/domains/ load_template() #31 /home/juul/domains/ locate_template() #32 /home/juul/domains/ get_template_part() #33 /home/juul/domains/ Kadence\single_markup() #34 /home/juul/domains/ WP_Hook->apply_filters() #35 /home/juul/domains/ WP_Hook->do_action() #36 /home/juul/domains/ do_action() #37 /home/juul/domains/ include('...') #38 /home/juul/domains/ require_once('...') #39 /home/juul/domains/ require('...') #40 {main} thrown in /home/juul/domains/ on line 909
Reverting Elementor Pro to the former version solves the issue.
When trying this with ACF Pro, there is no error.
How to solve this.
Kind regards,
Hello Ivan,
Thank you for your feedback.
I can reproduce the issue on my demo site. There could be a conflict with the new version of Elementor Pro. I've escalated this issue to the development team to check it and I will get back to you later.