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Support › MB Custom Table › Issues with Post Title Generation Using Custom Table DataResolved
We are using the Metabox plugin, specifically the MB Custom Table extension, to store custom data in a custom table (wp_person). The goal is to automatically generate a post title for a custom post type (veranstalter) using two custom fields, person_vorname and person_nachname, stored in the custom table.
Current Setup:
1. We have a custom post type called veranstalter.
2. The custom table wp_person contains two fields: person_vorname and person_nachname.
3. The title for the veranstalter post should be generated by combining the values of person_vorname and person_nachname from the custom table.
4. The table is properly set up and data for person_vorname and person_nachname is available, but there is an issue with retrieving the data and updating the post title.
The Issue:
• We are using the save_post action hook to retrieve the values from the custom table based on the post ID and then try to update the post title.
• However, the data is not always being retrieved correctly, and we are encountering errors like “No data found for post ID” or “First name or last name is empty.”
• We also tried adding delays and checked if the custom table data is accessible using raw SQL queries, but the issue persists.
Our Code:
add_action('save_post', function ($post_id) {
// Safety checks to prevent unnecessary or repeated executions
if (wp_is_post_revision($post_id)) {
// Check if the correct post type is being saved
if (get_post_type($post_id) !== 'veranstalter') {
// Prevent recursive calls by using a flag
static $is_updating = false;
if ($is_updating) {
// Retrieve custom field data from the custom table
global $wpdb;
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'person';
$sql = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT person_vorname, person_nachname FROM $table_name WHERE ID = %d", $post_id);
$result = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
// Check if the data is found
if ($result) {
$vorname = $result->person_vorname;
$nachname = $result->person_nachname;
// Only generate title if both fields have values
if (!empty($vorname) && !empty($nachname)) {
$is_updating = true; // Set flag to prevent recursion
// Generate title from Vorname and Nachname
$title = trim("$vorname $nachname");
// Generate a unique slug for the post
$unique_slug = wp_unique_post_slug(sanitize_title($title), $post_id, 'publish', 'veranstalter', 0);
// Update the post title and slug
'ID' => $post_id,
'post_title' => $title,
'post_name' => $unique_slug,
$is_updating = false; // Reset flag
} else {
// Log if no data is found for the provided post_id
error_log("No data found for post_id $post_id in the custom table.");
Our Question:
• Is there a recommended approach to automatically update the post title using custom table data in Metabox?
• Are there any other solutions or workarounds for this type of situation?
• Is there a way to ensure that data is reliably retrieved and the title is updated without issues?
We would appreciate any advice or insights on how to solve this issue more effectively.
I think that the callback function runs at the action hook save_post
won't get the correct field value because custom field values are saved after saving the post. I suggest you:
1. Use the helper function rwmb_meta() to get the field value that is saved to the custom table
2. Or use the action hook rwmb_{$field_group_id}_after_save_post
to ensure all field values are saved.
3. Or get the field value from the global variable $_POST.
I hope that helps.
Hi Peter,
Thank you so much for your prompt and helpful response! Your guidance was spot on, and using the rwmb_meta() function worked perfectly for our use case. We’re grateful for the detailed explanation and the resources you shared. 🙏
For anyone who might face a similar issue in the future, here’s the working code that generates a post title from custom fields stored in a custom table created with Metabox. This example is for a custom post type called veranstalter with the fields person_vorname and person_nachname in the custom table.
// Hook into Metabox's action after all custom fields in the "person" field group are saved
add_action('rwmb_person_after_save_post', function ($post_id) {
// Ensure this only runs for the custom post type "veranstalter"
if (get_post_type($post_id) !== 'veranstalter') {
// Use rwmb_meta() to retrieve values directly from the custom table
$first_name = rwmb_meta('person_vorname', '', $post_id);
$last_name = rwmb_meta('person_nachname', '', $post_id);
// Check if both fields have values
if (!empty($first_name) && !empty($last_name)) {
// Generate the title by combining first and last name
$title = trim("$first_name $last_name");
// Generate a unique slug for the post
$unique_slug = wp_unique_post_slug(sanitize_title($title), $post_id, 'publish', 'veranstalter', 0);
// Update the post title and slug
'ID' => $post_id,
'post_title' => $title,
'post_name' => $unique_slug,
} else {
error_log("First name or last name is missing for post_id $post_id");