I have a field that is for display purposes only... i have posts getting imported into wordpress automatically and applying meta values like this on import:
add_post_meta($wpid, 'gnl_galleries_album_images', $image_list);
$image_list being a php array.
On import its being stored in the database like this:
a:60:{s:7:"G9K4ZnD";a:2:{s:5:"thumb";s:185: .........
Now I have a Metabox.io Text box that is read only on the post that just displays that JSON data for reference.
If i edit the post and hit save, the record in the meta table changes to something like this:
{"G9K4ZnD":{"thumb":"https:/...... etc.
How do i have the Metabox.io maintain the original format and not change the JSON structure?