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Support › MB Conditional Logic › MB Conditional logic is compatible with image_select?
I would like to know if the conditional logic is compatible with image_select. I have a selection of layout and I would like to show or hide some textareas depending which layout the user chooses.
Yes, it does works with Image Select. Here is the example
add_filter( 'rwmb_meta_boxes', function( $meta_boxes )
$meta_boxes[] = array(
'id' => 'brand_product',
'title' => 'Brands and Products',
'post_types' => array( 'post', 'page' ),
'context' => 'normal',
'priority' => 'high',
// Conditional Logic can be applied to Meta Box
// In this example: Show this Meta Box by default. Hide it when post format is aside
'hidden' => array( 'post_format', 'aside' ),
'fields' => array(
'id' => 'image_select',
'name' => __( 'Layout', 'your-prefix' ),
'type' => 'image_select',
// Array of 'value' => 'Image Source' pairs
'options' => array(
'left' => '',
'right' => '',
'none' => '',
// Allow to select multiple values? Default is false
// 'multiple' => true,
'id' => 'apple_products',
'name' => 'Which Apple product that you love?',
'type' => 'radio',
'options' => array(
'iPhone' => 'iPhone',
'iPad' => 'iPad',
'Macbook' => 'Macbook',
'iWatch' => 'iWatch'
'hidden' => array( 'image_select', '!=', 'left' )
return $meta_boxes;
} );
In fact I'm using hidden/visible in fields cloned by groups:
$meta_boxes[] = array(
'id' => 'layout-content',
'title' => 'Contenido',
'post_types' => array( 'caso', 'tratamiento' ),
'fields' => array(
'name' => 'Añade las filas que desees',
'id' => 'item-row',
'type' => 'group',
'clone' => true,
'fields' => array(
'name' => 'Esquema',
'id' => 'layout',
'required' => true,
'type' => 'image_select',
'options' => array(
'textimage' => get_bloginfo('template_url').'/images/settings/layout-textimage.png',
'imagetext' => get_bloginfo('template_url').'/images/settings/layout-imagetext.png',
'onlytext' => get_bloginfo('template_url').'/images/settings/layout-text.png',
'onlyimage' => get_bloginfo('template_url').'/images/settings/layout-image.png',
'desc' => 'Si no se escoge ninguna opción por defecto usará el esquema texto a la izquierda e imagen a la derecha'
'name' => 'Texto',
'id' => 'item-text',
'type' => 'textarea',
'cols' => 1,
'rows' => 5,
'desc' => 'Para poder poner negrita se tiene que encapsular el texto entre [negrita][/negrita] (ejemplo: Esto es un [negrita]ejemplo[/negrita].)',
'visible' => array( 'layout', 'in', array( 'onlytext', 'textimage', 'imagetext' ) ),
'name' => 'Imágenes',
'id' => 'item-images',
'type' => 'file_advanced',
'mime_type' => 'image',
'desc' => 'Las imágenes se mostrarán una debajo de la otra',
'visible' => array( 'layout', 'in', array( 'onlyimage', 'textimage', 'imagetext' ) ),
I don't know if the groups or the clone function does affect to the right behavior of the conditional plugin...
Let me know your opinion.
Hmm, normally, it should works. Seems that it's a bug of new version, we'll try to fix it soon.
In fact, I have detected the bug exactly what does: When you have conditional logic combined with cloned groups the fields that have to be hidden or visible are defined by the first element of the cloned groups. It doesn't matter if it's select or image_select... Let me know if I have explained it correct, so you can understand the problem and if it has a easy solution. Meanwhile I would not use the conditional logic, what a pitty...
Hi again,
I think the problem is about the IDs of the fields, could I assign different IDs in clones groups as an auto-increment index?
Dear Buzzmn,
The problem happens when the ID structure is changed. We're looking into that bug and will have a patch this week.
The bug is created when the id that selects which field to show or hide is named 'layout'. I have changed it and it works!
Thanks for your attention!
Dear buzzmn, sorry for late reply, I've tried to fix it but it's a Meta Box bug as reported here:
Currently, I haven't workaround for this. You can use Radio instead of current Image Select, we'll try to fix this bug on Meta Box soon.
Sorry again.
Dear buzzm,
We've fixed this bug, please update Group to the latest version, and apply this patch by replace Image Select to the latest version related to this issue:
The commit here, you can replace file now if you really need, of course, you can wait for the official release: