I use this code to get post titles and permalinks for at custom post type:
{% for report in reports %}
<p><a href="{{ mb.get_permalink( report.ID ) }}">{{ report.post_title }}</a></p>
{% endfor %}
And it works fine.
But I also want to get the post's "published year" (a custom term field). If I click on Insert Field in Edit View, choose the the field "kb_year", and in the popup "Taxonomy settings" choose "Term Name" as "Output", I get this code:
{{ post.kb_year.name }}
How do I "convert" that code in my context? I have tried different ways (e.g. {{ mb.rwmb_meta( 'kb_year', {'object_type': 'term'}, report.ID ) }}
- report.ID should maybe be the term id, but how do I get that?), but nothing works.