Hi Tran - My site REQUIRES facetted search. I use FacetWP for that. As of last week, the facet search results are no longer working for "logged-out" users. The plugin author has confirmed that it's not their issue, as they gave me the following reply:
I get this message from the ajax refresh:
{code: "rest_not_logged_in",…}
code: "rest_not_logged_in"
data: {status: 401}
message: "The WordPress Rest API has been locked to authorized access only. Log in to use the API."
A plugin, server setting, or even a firewall, cdn is blocking access to non-logged in users when causes facetwp to fail to refresh. You'll need to figure out what is causing that, if its a plugin it could be a setting.
I have contacted my host & suppport at WPMUDEV, and they've come to the conclusion that it's likely your metabox.io plugin. I would try installing a previous version, but not sure if it's the Metabox AIO or the main Metabox plugin I would need to revert.
Please help!