I have a project to create a site that will manage two groups of users.
The first group will have to be able to leave opinions and ratings on the members of the 2nd group after having had an interaction with a member of the 2nd group: I am thinking of using Yasr – Yet Another Stars Rating.
The members of the 2nd group must be able to manage their availability with an Events calendar Pro type calendar.
My question is: Can Metabox data (members adn groups created with metabox) be linked to these two plugins asr – Yet Another Stars Rating and Events calendar?
In advance, thank you for your answer.
Meta Box has an extension that supports creating a relationship between 2 objects like user-to-post/term/user. It is possible to link users of two groups to each other in the backend. But on the frontend, you might need to create some custom code to display the relationship. Please read more on the documentation https://docs.metabox.io/extensions/mb-relationships/.
Hello Peter, many thanks 🙂
My question was more about the Yet Another Stars Rating and Events calendar to communicate with the data created by Metabox, but maybe there's something I'm not understanding?
I'm not sure if two plugins can work with custom fields created by Meta Box. But if it can work with default custom fields of WordPress, it can work with some simple fields created by Meta Box like text, number, email ...