I purchased and installed Meta Box (4.7.2) on Friday on a new WordPress installation (4.3.1). Created 1 Meta Box with MB Builder (2.0.1) with 4 tabs (0.1.5) and about 5 fields under each tab.
Drag and drop seemed a little glitchy (field disappears when not dropped in exactly the right spot) but it worked great overall and above all very quickly.
Today on Monday I go to Dashboard > Meta Boxes and click on the title of the single Meta Box I created. It loads and displays. But clicking on one of the field items on the left doesn't add a new item on the right anymore.
After going to a different page in the Dashboard and retrying the above, it still doesn't work. Later today I go to try it again and after clicking on the 1 Meta Box title, the meta box content doesn't display anymore at all. When I view the source code of that page, I can see my tabs and fields in between script and CDATA tags right before several other Meta Box scripts before the closing body tag, but they're not being displayed on the page itself.
When I go to a post of the custom post type I assigned this meta box to, the fields are still there and seem to save (new) field data properly.
This happens in Chrome (47.0.2526.73 m) and IE (11.0.9600.18097).
Any advice? Thanks in advance!