<p>I have a classifieds page, where I set up the address-database “region, municipality, city, zip-code, street”.</p>
- 1. Now I need to setup a nested select tool for this cascade to show only corresponded next levels values.
- 2. Further I need to store any intermediate value as own custom named openstreet-address-fields for geolocation.
- 3. Also, I need to know, if I have a text field, how can I store this value in a second read-only or hidden field in the same field-set.
<p>I have try to read the documentation of mb select advanced
and of the select2 options https://select2.org/configuration/data-attributes,
but as I am not a coder I do not know, how exactly write a “callback: function_name” or any “data-*”.</p>
<p>Thank you in advance for any help</p>
Kind regards