Hi !
following my previous post, I am creating a new plugin which adds the reverse post field, to get it proper on both side of the relation in admin.
My trouble is, with the serialization, there are inconsistencies, depending on PHP version, WordPress version or whatever, values are either stored as int or as string.
So I would like to implement the copy of the meta as a json encoded string, or as multi value meta.
What I'd like to know is, is there a way to register my hook inside the field class, so that for each declared reverse_post field, I hook to the rwmb_after_save_post to have an automation, and not having to create it outside the field.
Could that be in a method of the RWMB_Field, or is there some kind of reflexion somewhere on the declared metaboxes, which would happen before the rwmb_after_save_post can't be registered anymore ?
Thank you already !