Hiya. I just installed this extension (MB Settings Page) to simplify adding some site settings and the submenu showed in the documentation here (https://i.imgur.com/HOzTabH.png) isn't appearing. In case it was a conflict with another plugin, I installed it on a clean site with only metabox and this extension active and still no dice. Thoughts?
There is no such thing. I am unable to USE the plugin as it is not showing up as an option under metabox to even use, as though the plugin is not activated (it is):
By default, the extension MB Settings Page does not have UI, you need to activate the plugin MB Builder to use the UI (under Meta Box menu) to create a settings page.
Or you can use the code to create the settings page, refer to the documentation https://docs.metabox.io/extensions/mb-settings-page/#using-code
For me, the problem occurs in conjunction with Elementor. If you deactivate Elementor and save the settings page again, the entry is in the right place. Elementor can then be activated again.