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Support › MB Builder › NOT RESOLVED: Custom Fields Editor Not LoadingResolved
Sorry for starting a new topic but you marked a previous issue I had as resolved, and seem to be ignoring it now, when my issue is not resolved (previous issue: ).
Your advice has made my clients site further broken than it was previously and I'm unable to restore the configuration since I took your advice.
Can you please respond to me so I can try and get this issue properly resolved.
Thank you for reaching out.
Our developers are checking this issue and I will get back to you if I have some information.
Do you have any further update on this issue?
If there was some way I could re-import my exported JSON field structure that may well work, but I can't seem to find that functionality anywhere.
Many thanks,
Hi Dorian,
Can you please update the newest version of MB AIO 1.13.7 or MB Builder 4.1.2 and check if it works?
This upgrades means I can see the '+ Add Fields' button on the Field Group, and potentially add buttons, but the data stored in my database is not loaded or displayed and I am unable to re-import the historical settings from the saved json file.
Looks like you have fixed a symptom, but not the problem.
Please advise on the next course of action. Trying to re-create the field group from the JSON file by hand in the hope that it doesn't mess with 90% of the clients content on this website is not an idea which fills me with joy given how flakey this software seems.
I'm really sorry about your situation.
Can you please re-send your site credentials via the contact form or my email [email protected]. I will inform the development team to re-check it.
Thanks for that. I've emailed you a copy of the login details directly as the contact form has seemed to not been actioned before.
I've received your site information and was able to reproduce the issue on my end. I will escalate this case to the development team to fix it.
Thanks for your patience.
Do you have any update on progress with this? The problem is meaning our custom validators are being bypassed so my client can't insert video embeds into posts at the moment, which is a bit annoying. A swift fix would be much appreciated.
I updated to the latest avaialble metabox plugins today (MB Custom Post Types & Custom Taxonomies Version 2.1.0) and it did not resolve the issue.
Many thanks
I've just updated to the latest available metabox plugins today, and I'm still not able to see and edit the defined fields for this Post Type in Meta Box -> Custom Fields - just a blank list.
Have you any update on progress with this issue?
Best wishes,
Actually, it's worse than that, the updates I installed today totally broke field handling on the affected content types, so none of the fields showed up when trying to edit, and rwmb_meta started returning a different set of values.
Is there any regression testing done before you issue releases?
Is there ANY chance of an update on this?
I could have migrated the entire site to a different CMS in the time this bug has existed.
I seem to have a very similar issue: All I get is "Loading fields, please wait..." in the custom fields admin. Seems like Metabox builder is not loading... I'm on latest WP 5.7.1 Is this a known issue or is my problem not related?
SOLVED:: Was a firewall rule in cloudflare blocking wp-json content access...
Is there any update on this issue, or any indication of what the actual issue is that would help me resolve it myself?
Hi Dorian,
Please update the new version of MB Builder 4.1.4 or MB AIO 1.13.10 to fix this issue. Let me know how it goes.