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Support › General › or new line in text area or WYSIWYGResolved
I have a textarea where I put information about my project. The enter / shift-enter is not displayed on the frontpage. I have changed the field to a WYSIWYG box but there is the same.
What is the correct way to handle <br> / new line /...
You can use the HTML tag <br>, <p> or newline character \n to add a new line.
Hello World!\nThis is my string
Thanks, is this the only way? I use this fields also for clients with no HTHL knowledge.
Hi there
The line break in the textarea is not working anymore.
see short video
I'm pretty sure it did work a time before.
Thanks for fixing or a hint. François
I'm sorry. I found the reason for this problem. It's because of a trim words function which was applied.
So everthing's fine.
Best regards François