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I am trying to output user data (avatar and display name) in an elementor meta-box group. In my group I have it set for multiple users to be selected, but no clone.
I have created a meta box group field. Then I have put this into a loop, which I then want to show in a post archive. So that I can output the associated users of that post.
1. Would this be a recommended appraoch?
2. I made a shortcode with a "foreach" statement that I output in the MB group, but as it is multiple, not cloneable, am I going wrong with my array?
add_shortcode("former_team_member_get_name", function (){
global $post;
$ftm_post_type = get_post_type($post->ID);
if(is_singular() && "team" == $ftm_post_type)
$ftmn_field_id = rwmb_meta( "archived_team_users_group",'',$post->ID);
foreach($ftmn_field_id as $user){
$ftmn_user_name = get_userdata(intval($user['former_team_member']))->display_name;
return $ftmn_user_name;
I am really stuck with this, and have no idea even at what point I am going wrong. Or what documentation to use.
Your help would be hugely appreciated.
Hello Yasmine,
Can you please share the code that creates the custom fields on your site? I recommend using this code to output a variable if you do not know what could be the value.
echo "<pre>";
print_r( $variable );
echo "</pre>";
Hi Peter,
Yes of course:
$prefix = '';
'name' => __( 'Archived Users', 'your-text-domain' ),
'id' => $prefix . 'archived_team_users_group',
'type' => 'group',
'fields' => [
'name' => __( 'Former team members', 'your-text-domain' ),
'id' => $prefix . 'former_team_member',
'type' => 'user',
'field_type' => 'checkbox_list',
'select_all_none' => true,
'query_args' => [
'role' => 'archive_team',
I tried with the print_r
but did not fix it.
I also found that if I use the shortcode directly on the template, it will show the first value. But using it via the meta box group widget shows nothing
Hi Peter,
With the following code, I have got the avatar and photo to show within the metabox group on elementor. The first value correctly populates the name and avatar.
//For display_name
add_shortcode("former_team_member_get_name", function (){
global $post;
$ftm_post_type = get_post_type($post->ID);
if(is_singular() && "team" == $ftm_post_type)
$group_id = rwmb_meta( 'archived_team_users_group','',$post->ID);
foreach ($group_id as $x){
$f_user_id = $group_id['former_team_member'] ?? '';
foreach ($f_user_id as $user){
$ff_user = get_usermeta($user);
return sprintf($ff_user[1]);
//For the avatar
add_shortcode("former_team_member_get_avatar", function (){
global $post;
$ftm_post_type = get_post_type($post->ID);
if(is_singular() && "team" == $ftm_post_type)
$group_id = rwmb_meta( 'archived_team_users_group','',$post->ID);
foreach ($group_id as $x){
$f_user_id = $group_id['former_team_member'] ?? '';
foreach ($f_user_id as $user){
$profile_pic = get_avatar_url($user);
$main_html_markup = "<img src='$profile_pic'>";
return $main_html_markup;
However, when I try to use the metabox group field within a template that has values, it shows as blank.
How do I populate the metabox group correctly with shortcodes that then loop to show all the post values on a template?
Hello Yasmine,
From the line to get the group value
$group_id = rwmb_meta( 'archived_team_users_group','', $post->ID );
you can replace the variable $post->ID
with a real post ID like 123 and see if it works. If yes, there is a problem when getting the post ID above that line. If not, there is a problem when outputting the subfield value. Does that make sense?
And the function print_r()
or var_dump()
helps you to output the field value for debugging, it's not a solution.