Please can you help with a security issue? Ever since we added a metabox login, the amount of spam sign-ups have gone through the roof. You can tell by the sign-ups it is just a bot signing up over and over again.
This is what our shortcode looks like and the signup url, I thought we covered all the security needed.
[mb_user_profile_register id="user-profiles" label_submit="Register" email_confirmation="true" role="vendor" redirect="https://www.ergafrica.com/supplier-agreement/" password_strength="medium" email_as_username="true" recaptcha_key="6Lf81iIlAAAAACyK6lyUazMcd_HeKS7ZFt7x5Pbq" recaptcha_secret="6Lf81iIlAAAAACl4FaLwAQ5M4ltxIu5J-3bJE6v8" ]