Support Forum
Since the plugin doesn't work together with wordpress CPT-onomies plugin, I'd like to get refund for the 79 USD bundle of Metabox plugin.
Hi Toomas,
Sorry for the problem. I'm happy to send you the refund. However, can you please give me a few days to check the incompatibility with CPT-onomies plugin and probably provide a fix for that?
Also, would you please give the name of the plugin that has conflict with CPT-onomies? Since you bought a bundle, there are 12 plugins in there.
Another thing, I think CPT-onomies is used for creating relationships between objects. So, why don't you use MB Relationships instead?
CPT-onomies make custom posts act as taxonomies. When I create taxonomy field with the metabox builder, while editing post, I just can't set custom taxonomies (created with CPT-onomies) to the posts. But if I create custom taxonomies with the metabox custom taxonomies plugin, then custom fields are nicely set. MB Relationships makes things too complicated, I just want to set custom taxonomies to the posts.
I got it. I've looked at the CPT-Onomies plugin and found a solution for that. Please paste the following code into your theme/plugin:
add_action( 'save_post', function( $post_id ) {
prefix_save_custom_tax( $post_id, 'location', 'taxonomy_2' );
}, 20 );
function prefix_save_custom_tax( $post_id, $taxonomy, $field_id ) {
global $cpt_onomies_manager, $cpt_onomy;
// Make sure its a valid CPT-onomy.
if ( ! $cpt_onomies_manager->is_registered_cpt_onomy( $taxonomy ) ) {
$new = isset( $_POST[ $field_id ] ) ? $_POST[ $field_id ] : array();
$new = array_unique( array_map( 'intval', (array) $new ) );
$new = empty( $new ) ? null : $new;
// Set the terms.
$cpt_onomy->wp_set_object_terms( $post_id, $new, $taxonomy );
Note that I separated the function that save terms, so you can call it multiple times for different taxonomy field.
I hope that works for you. Please let me know after you tested it.
no it doesn't work, no difference. I just can't set taxonomy terms to posts via Metabox custom fields. Without using Metabox I can set them. Where do I need to put this code exactly? I pasted it into my theme's functions.php file and also tried Code Snippets plugin. It didnt make any difference. Since I'm not a coder I need some help in understanding your code. What "location" in your code means? "Taxonomy_2" is the name of a custom taxonomy field?
Best regards,
My custom fields code:
add_filter( 'rwmb_meta_boxes', 'your_prefix_register_meta_boxes' );
function your_prefix_register_meta_boxes( $meta_boxes ) {
$meta_boxes[] = array (
'title' => 'books',
'id' => 'books',
'post_types' => array(
0 => 'post',
1 => 'books',
'context' => 'side',
'priority' => 'high',
'fields' => array(
array (
'id' => 'taxonomy_2',
'type' => 'taxonomy',
'name' => 'Taxonomy Field',
'taxonomy' => 'books',
'field_type' => 'select_tree',
return $meta_boxes;
Hi Toomas, sorry for the confusion.
Where do I need to put this code exactly?
Please put them directly below your code to register meta box. Or in the theme's functions.php
What “location” in your code means? “Taxonomy_2” is the name of a custom taxonomy field?
I should have mentioned you need to change the "location" to the name of the custom post type created by CPT-Onomies plugin (in your case, it's "books") and "taxonomy_2" - the ID of the taxonomy field (in your case, it's still "taxonomy_2").
Please try again and see if it works.
Thanks, it works now! I guess I will keep the plugin.
Best regards,