Thanks Long,
As previously mentioned, some of my meta boxes contain custom functions that require queries to run on the database. In the example below a custom function gets all users and formats them as required for a select_advanced metabox. As these metaboxes are only required in the admin area it would seem sensible for the filter rwmb_meta_boxes to only run if in admin area, unless there are downsides to this...
// SELECT - Related User Account
'name' => __( 'Related User Account', 'indigo-metaboxes' ),
'desc' => __( 'Choose the user account related to this member', 'indigo-metaboxes' ),
'id' => 'member_user_id',
'type' => 'select_advanced',
'options' => indigo_get_member_users(null,1),
'placeholder' => 'Choose user...',
'columns' => '3',