Hello !
I'm currently trying to optimize my calls to the DB, and am blocked on the problem of the cloneable post metabox.
I was trying to create a get_posts with arguments using compare => "LIKE", "value" => "i:" . get_the_ID() . ";". Unfortunately, the data are stored with the serialize function, which is horrible for this, as the index of the values could be taken in the query as well
example of a string which cause problem, as I check it for post ID 1 :
I saw that a similar issue was called out there :
A simple solution could be to change the serialized data to a json_encode which is less verbose by the way, that way, indexes would be put out for numerical arrays, and a reverse search would be possible.
Could you please tell me if such a change would be possible, and if yes what would be the ETA for this ?
Thank you already !