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Support › MB Settings Page › rwmb_set_meta in for Settings page fieldResolved
And thanks in advance for your help.
I'm trying to update a input field of a settings page, when a user click on a button in the admin (wp_ajax_ hook function).
There I generate a json (it works) but I also want to update an input value with a value.
I don't know if I can call rwmb_set_meta in this wp_ajax_action, or if I am using the correct syntax because I'm getting a 500 error.
I have tried this:
rwmb_set_meta( 'generalsettings', 'idgeneratedcdn', 'value', array( 'object_type' => 'setting' ));
and this
rwmb_set_meta( 'generalsettings', 'idgeneratedcdn', 'value');
What am I doing wrong? the place I call the funcion or rwmb_set_meta for a settings page?
The function rwmb_set_meta()
will be included in the next release. At this time, please try to use the function update_option()
to update the settings page option.
Here is the sample code
add_action( 'init', function() {
$settings_page = get_option( 'generalsettings' ); // the settings page ID
$settings_page['idgeneratedcdn'] = 1000; // the field ID
update_option( 'generalsettings', $settings_page ); // update
} );
For more information, please follow the documentation
Hi Long!!
Ok, good to know. Yes, I have done it as you suggest. Thanks!
And good to know that rwmb_set_meta will be available soon.
just found that thread here and I'm facing a similiar problem.
I tried to use the rwmb_set_meta()
function for updating a value in a setting page. Unfortunately that value doesn't get updated. Refering to your docs (Docs) i used the option_name as object_id.
That's what my options-page looks like:
function wcmvw_settingsPage_register($settings_pages) {
global $vendorNames;
//$vendorNames = get_option( 'wcmvw_settings' )['wcmvw_settings_vendorName'];
$settings_pages[] = [
'id' => 'wcmvw_settings',
'option_name' => 'wcmvw_settings',
'menu_title' => __( 'Rechnungen', 'wcmvw' ),
'position' => 0,
'parent' => '',
'style' => 'no-boxes',
'columns' => 1,
'tabs' => [
'wcmvw_settings_general' => 'Allgemeine Einstellungen',
'tab_style' => 'left',
'submit_button' => __( 'Änderungen speichern', 'wcmvw' ),
'message' => __( 'Änderungen wurden gespeichert!', 'wcmvw' ),
'icon_url' => 'dashicons-admin-generic',
// Add Tabs dynamically!
foreach ($vendorNames as $vendor) {
$settings_pages[0]['tabs'] += [ str_replace(" ", "_", $vendor) => $vendor];
return $settings_pages;
And that's what that specific kind of code looks like:
$settings_page = get_option('wcmvw_settings');
$settings_page[$vendorInOrder[$i] . '_wcmvw_invoiceNumberGeneral_field'] = $vendorNextInvoiceNumber+1;
update_option('wcmvw_settings', $settings_page);
//rwmb_set_meta( 'wcmvw_settings', $vendorInOrder[$i] . '_wcmvw_invoiceNumberGeneral_field' , 'test' );
I've commented it out since the "native" option as suggested from you works fine for now. But i would, of course, prefer to use rwmb_set_meta
Any thoughts what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in Advance!
Hey there,
any news on that problem? Do you need any further information? Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?
TIA for your answer!
The helper function rwmb_set_meta()
is not working with the settings page. I've informed the development team to fix this issue in the next update. For now, you can use the WordPress function update_option()
to update the field value on the settings page.
Can you tell me if this has been fixed yet. I have been trying to use the rwmb_set_meta() function and the values do not appear to be getting saved.
Hi Dom,
It was fixed. You can try to use this sample code
add_action( 'init', function() {
$option_name = 'my_option';
$field_id = 'my_field';
$value = 'My custom value';
rwmb_set_meta( $option_name, $field_id, $value, [ 'object_type' => 'setting' ] );
}, 99 );
Refer to the documentation