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Support › MB Builder › Select box option value disappears after import database
I migrate database from localhost. Metabox builder edit page select box's option value is disappear.
I'm using "Migrate DB Pro" for WordPress serialize data migrate.
Of course, I also failed selectbox option value in migrate by manual import/export.
How do you make the select box option value indicate?
Your Metabox plugin is liked very much. It's used many times, but this problem has occurred for the first time.
Dear yumikom,
Our builder data saved in serialized data so if some text was changed, it will break all data.
I haven't Migrate DB Pro so I can't make sure that it can works with serialized data in wp_posts
table or not. In case it can't works with that table. I'd recommend you export data on your old website, delete all meta boxes in new website and import from old website again.
Best regards
Thank you for your reply.
>delete all meta boxes in new website and import from old website again
please tell me how to import meta data.
I tried site database import/export by phpMyAdmin's sql.
But Metabox Builder "Add New Meta Box" and "Edit Meta Box" selectbox,radio... option value is disappear.
I tried now,Delete all items in Meta box Builder and WordPress import/export(tool -> export xml and import),but diappear "option value" field in Meta box builder.
I have to settle this trouble tomorrow.
Metabox builder not showing "option value" for Select box,radio button.
Please tell me how to show "option value" for select box and radio button.
Other field type is no problem.
Dear yumikom,
To export meta boxes, you can go to Dashboard > Meta Boxes > Check all meta box and in Bulk Options
, select Export.
To import Meta Boxes, go to Dashboard > Meta Boxes > Import, then upload your exported .dat
When you hit "Add Option" in Select Box, Radio Button, you'll have Value and Label field to enter data.
Please add my Skype: tannguyen0901
or give me your Facebook address if you need to solve this problem quickly.
Hi Tan,
I tried Meta Boxes bulk option "export", but not working export action and can not download .dat.
Browser:Chrome, firefox on Mac OS Yoesemite
>When you hit “Add Option”
This problem select box Not showing "Add option"
Why export action is not working? .dat file download is not start.
Dear Yumi,
Can you please send me your website's information through the contact form included admin login and password? And FTP information if you could.
Hi Yumi,
I have fixed Add Option
not visible bug you can start to use it for now.
Detailed Report:
Your website's security is strict so file_get_content()
function doesn't works with files in plugins, this function is used to pull template content and if it doesn't works, template content will shows as blank, that's why you can't see Add Option
I'm trying to fix Import / Export features, which fwrite
cannot works properly in your host. If you could, can you please do not change user name / passwords for 4 days, I haven't enough time to replicate the bug in my PC.
Bravo Tan!
I'm thankful for your wonderful support and it might be settled early.
The server setting isn't changed, so I'm waiting for you complete fixed import/export problem.
cám ơn
I find new problem.
Select box option add and post meta data is gone, don't show value! (value is multibyte)
Select box(opton value) has problem.
I want to use select box following thing.
1. always add option value.
2. after add option and post meta value not change.
3. use option value "empty value"
Please settle this defect today.
Dear Yumi,
I have checked by create an interview, all post meta data still there after post saved. Check it here:
Did you means your post meta data in old website doesn't transfer to new website? If so, you can check by look at wp_postmeta
Dear Tan,
All interview posts add on this site, not import data.
I found pattern.
step 1 Meta boxes select box all option have value.
step 2 add new post and save select meta box
step 3 Meta boxes select box add option value is empty
step 4 edit post page,select meta box value is nothing!
Please try this pattern. Now option have empty value item, delete it and start step1.
Dear Yumiko,
I found the solution, currently MB Builder doesn't accept empty value so it will generate an error after saving it.
By default, Select field already has "Select an Item" option, so you don't need to add empty value to the last. If you have to, please set a value then exclude by your custom code. For example, I use dash sign:
$field_value = rwmb_meta('your_select_field');
if ( $field_value === '_' )
$field_value = '';
Hi Tan,
I understand meta value is not empty.
It was helped by your support.