I have an issue that I can't resolve on my own.
I have a MB custom field group. One of the custom fields is a number field. This number field has the ID of a certain Gravity Form.
In an Oxygen repeater I've used this code block ...
$form_id = rwmb_get_value('my_gravity_form_id_number_field');
echo do_shortcode('[gravityform id="'. $form_id .'" title="false" description="false" ajax="true"]')
... to basically pull the ID of the gravity form and to create the Gravity Form shortcode to display the desired form.
All this has worked great in the past, but stopped working with the update from Oxygen 3.9 to 4.
Now instead of rendering each form correctly, it will only render the form of the last repeater element (so the last custom post type).
Can anybody help?