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Hi, I use this code in Views to show the data of Select, Checkbox list...:
{% for item in clone.mb_day %}
{{ item.label }}
{% endfor %}
How could I add "," after all the items except the last one that comes with ":"?
EX: Now I have only MondayTuesdayFriday
I would like to have "Monday, Tuesday, Friday:"
Another question: With this PHP code to show data of Select, Checkbox list...:
$values = rwmb_meta( $'mb_day' );
foreach ( $values as $clone ) {
foreach ( $clone as $value ) {
echo $value;
How to show the label of each item instead of raw data in the database (Monday, Tuesday instead of mo, tu...)? Also to make them come with "," and ":" as the first question.
Thank you in advance.
Please use the helper function rwmb_get_field_settings() to get the field's settings: field’s name, field’s options (value, label) ...
And follow these guidelines to know how to add a comma for each item but the last one in the array
After working with PHP, you can use the proxy mb.
to apply the code in View.
Hi Long,
Many thanks for your links. I could solve the comma issue in no time 🙂
But I couldn't solve the label issue. Honestly, I know nothing about PHP, just copy and paste.
I tried this code but it didn't help:
$field = rwmb_get_field_settings( 'mb_day');
foreach ( $field as $a ) {
echo $a;
I know I have to put something before the loop but I have no idea what.
Could you please help me to modify it to get the labels!
It would be great if we have an example on the rwmb_get_field_settings page.
Thank you!
You can use this code to print the label of the selected option.
$select = rwmb_meta( 'select_id' );
$select_settings = rwmb_get_field_settings( 'select_id' );
foreach ( $select_settings as $key => $value ) {
if ( $key == 'options' ) {
echo $value[$select];
Use this code to print out the array elements when getting the field settings.
echo "<pre>";
print_r( $select_settings );
echo "</pre>";
In short, we can use the function rwmb_the_value() to show the label of the selected option. See more in this documentation
Hi Long,
Many thanks for your help!
I tried rwmb_the_value() and it worked great. Easy and fast. (Thanks again)
But for the fields with multiple choices, rwmb_the_value() always renders with HTML (which I don't want). So I tried the code rwmb_get_field_settings you gave me above:
$select = rwmb_meta( 'select_id' );
$select_settings = rwmb_get_field_settings( 'select_id' );
foreach ( $select_settings as $key => $value ) {
if ( $key == 'options' ) {
echo $value[$select];
It works well with single choice select fields but seems like it doesn't work with multiple choice select fields.
I used the same code, only changed the field setting to multiple choices and it stopped working, with no "echo" info on the front-end.
If I change the field setting back to single choice, it works well as before.
So could you please give me a solution for a field with multiple choices!
Thank you!!
The value returns when getting multiple choices is an array so we need to use two loops:
$multi_select = rwmb_meta( 'select_id' );
$select_settings = rwmb_get_field_settings( 'select_id' );
foreach ( $multi_select as $select_value ) {
foreach ( $select_settings as $setting_key => $setting_value ) {
if ( $setting_key == 'options' ) {
echo $setting_value[$select_value];
and the cloneable multiple choices returns an array of arrays:
$clone_multi_select = rwmb_meta( 'select_id' );
$select_settings = rwmb_get_field_settings( 'select_id' );
foreach ( $clone_multi_select as $clone_key => $clone ) {
echo "Clone {$clone_key} :";
foreach ( $clone as $select_value ) {
foreach ( $select_settings as $setting_key => $setting_value ) {
if ( $setting_key == 'options' ) {
echo $setting_value[$select_value];
echo "<br>";
Wow! Many thanks, Long. You saved my time.
Everything is perfect now.
Thank you again!
Hi Long,
Sorry for opening this topic again.
I have other select fields that are in a group field in a custom table. I edited your code to work in a custom table and a group field but I got some error warning and it didn't work
$group = rwmb_meta( 'group', ['storage_type' => 'custom_table', 'table' => 'custom'] );
$multi_select = isset( $group['language'] ) ? $group['language'] : '';
$select_settings = rwmb_get_field_settings( $group['language'] );
foreach ( $multi_select as $select_value ) {
foreach ( $select_settings as $setting_key => $setting_value ) {
if ( $setting_key == 'options' ) {
echo $setting_value[$select_value];
I think I make something wrong on the line
$select_settings = rwmb_get_field_settings( $group['language'] );
But I really don't know what wrong. Please help!
Thank you!
Yes, you have to pass the group ID to the function rwmb_get_field_settings(). It would be:
rwmb_get_field_settings( 'group' )
To print the selected label of a select field (multi select) in a group, please use this code:
$group = rwmb_meta( 'group', ['storage_type' => 'custom_table', 'table' => 'custom'] );
$multi_select = isset( $group['language'] ) ? $group['language'] : '';
$group_settings = rwmb_get_field_settings( 'group' );
foreach ( $multi_select as $select_value ) {
foreach ( $group_settings['fields'] as $field_settings ) {
foreach ( $field_settings as $setting_key => $setting_value ) {
if ( $setting_key == 'options' ) {
echo $setting_value[$select_value];
Hint: You can use the code below to print out the structure of group settings then you will see what you need to create the code.
echo "<pre>";
print_r( $group_settings );
echo "</pre>";
Wonderful! It works like a charm.
Many thanks, Long!
Hi Long,
It's me again and sorry for disturbing you too much.
I would like to ask could I use this way for a multiple select inside 2 levels of groups?
I have fields like this:
group1 (cloneable)
|__group2 (cloneable)
|__language (multiple select)
(language is inside group2, group2 is inside group1)
I used your hint
echo "<pre>";
print_r( $group_settings );
echo "</pre>";
and saw that I have to take out 2 'fields' of groups settings.
So I tried this code
$group1 = rwmb_meta( 'group1', ['storage_type' => 'custom_table', 'table' => 'custom'] );
$group1_settings = rwmb_get_field_settings( 'group1' );
foreach ( $group1 as $group1_value ) {
$group2 = $group1_value['group2'];
foreach ( $group2 as $group2_value ) {
$multi_select = $group2_value['language'];
foreach ( $multi_select as $select_value ) {
foreach ( $group1_settings['fields'] as $group1_field_settings ) {
foreach ( $group1_field_settings['fields'] as $field_settings ) {
foreach ( $field_settings as $setting_key => $setting_value ) {
if ( $setting_key == 'options' ) {
echo $setting_value[$select_value];
Unlucky me, I got error on the line
foreach ( $group1_field_settings['fields'] as $field_settings ) {
I'm so sorry, I'm bad at PHP. Please take a look a help me to solve this issue.
Many many thanks!
Your code runs smoothly on my local site without any error. If you have an error on any line, print out the variable before using the loop. See
Hi Long, I just double-checked.
It's true that the code runs smoothly with that field structure. Many thanks for recording the video.
But the field structure I'm using has some other fields on the same level as group2. I have something likes this:
group1 (cloneable)
|__group2 (cloneable)
|__language (multiple select)
And it leads to error on the line
foreach ( $group1_field_settings['fields'] as $field_settings ) {
If I remove the text and select fields, everything works well again.
But if I add any field into the group1, the error will appear.
I think it is because the group2 has different data order than the text / select field. But I don't know how to fix it.
Please help!
Thank you in advance.
Because only the field group
has the key fields
in the settings array. So it will display the warning notice like Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
. To solve this issue, you should check if the key exists in the array before using the loop.
foreach ( $group1_settings['fields'] as $group1_field_settings ) {
if( array_key_exists( 'fields', $group1_field_settings ) ) {
foreach ( $group1_field_settings['fields'] as $field_settings ) {
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