Hi Long
I have a CPT (event) with a taxonomy connected to it and I have added an custom field (OSM).
Now I would like to display the map of the taxonomy on the detail view of the CPT event.
I have found the following PHP code. Unfortunately I can't convert it into views.
$term_id = get_queried_object_id();
$value = rwmb_meta( $field_id, array( 'object_type' => 'term' ), $term_id );
echo $value;
I have tried the following in VIEWS:
<div class="maps">
{% set term_id = mb.get_queried_object_id()%}
{% set taxmap = mb.rwmb_meta( 'osm_veranstaltungsort' , {object_type: 'term'} , 'width=400px&height=400px&zoom=14', term_id )%}
What am I doing wrong?
Best regards